2018-12-17: Virulent Newcastle disease (vND)
For the first time since 2003, we have confirmation of vND (virulent Newcastle Disease) in a commercial poultry operation. The ranch is located in Riverside County. While the number of backyard cases had been declining, just in the last week or so there had been an increase in one area of Riverside County. The positive commercial facility is not far away. The young birds at the commercial operation had been vaccinated three times and the virus was identified on routine surveillance. Shortly after the virus was identified by the CAHFS Lab, mortalities were found in the flock.
Within 48 hours the virus isolation was confirmed by the federal lab, the orders signed, and the 103,000 bird flock depopulated. Since this was a commercial operation, the Office of International Epizootics in Paris was notified. Already, some of our international trading partners are refusing to import and poultry or poultry products from California.
This is serious. Please spread the word and as always, emphasize the absolute need for biosecurity.
-Dr. Francine Bradley